Come visit the Performance Stadium, where you'll have a chance to see the sea lions perform their incredible long-standing show!
Times: 11:30, 13:00, 15:30
Show Duration: Around 15 minutes
Note: The sea lion you will meet will differ depending on the time.
Walking time for the South American Humboldt Penguin. Watch the Penguins waddle around the Aqua Promenade.
Time: 12:00
Duration: Around 10 minutes
Temporarily Suspended to prevent bird
Come watch a performance and take photos with our friends from the northern seas!
Times: 11:00, 14:00
Duration: Around 20 minutes
Sea Otters: 9:40, 13:00, 16:20
Pinnipeds (Seals, Sea Lions): 10:30, 15:00
Duration: Around 10 minutes
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