More than 1200 species,
the most numerous in Japan!
The only aquarium in Asia where you can see Dugong.





Dugongs, the elusive sirenian that served as the model for mermaids, are only raised in two aquariums around the world. The only place where the dugong can be found in captivity in Asia is at Toba Aquarium. Our dugong, nicknamed Serena, was discovered and protected in the Philippines in its infancy. Thanks to the loving care from its keepers, Serena grew up rapidly and healthy. Now, over 30 years later, she breaks the world record for the longest time that a Dugong has been cared for in captivity. Come visit Serena, our gentle chubby friend who consumes up to 30 kilograms of seagrasses a day!

Show Schedule

Sea Lion Show

Sea Lion ShowSea Lion Show

Come visit the Performance Stadium, where you'll have a chance to see the sea lions perform their incredible long-standing show!
Times: 11:30, 13:00, 15:30
Show Duration: Around 15 minutes
Note: The sea lion you will meet will differ depending on the time.

Penguin Walk

Penguin WalkPenguin Walk

Walking time for the South American Humboldt Penguin. Watch the Penguins waddle around the Aqua Promenade.
Time: 12:00
Duration: Around 10 minutes
Temporarily Suspended to prevent bird flu

Walrus Touching Time

Walrus Touching TimeWalrus Touching Time

Come watch a performance and take photos with our friends from the northern seas!
Times: 11:00, 14:00
Duration: Around 20 minutes

수유 시간

Feeding TimesFeeding Times

Sea Otters: 9:40, 13:00, 16:20
Pinnipeds (Seals, Sea Lions): 10:30, 15:00
Duration: Around 10 minutes


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